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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jayme Lee Family Photo

Along with a gently used flannel and a sweet collectible mug, I recently purchased this photo at a thrift store in Milwaukee for $5 plus tax. I bought it because it reminded me of one of my favorite 80s bands, Journey. Man, they were SO HOT for a while and I’ve always said if you haven’t air-drummed to Don’t Stop Believin’, you haven’t lived.

As I was mounting the picture in my garage above the weight bench and next to the boom box, something strange happened. The more I looked at it, the picture reminded me of my Uncle Chichi and his family. But the even MORE I looked at it, I realized it resembled Packers’ blogger Jayme Joers. And not just the picture in the middle with the subtle yet prevalent chest hair, either. In fact, the whole family looked like her! I said to myself, “Hey self, you have to post this and get a 2nd opinion.”

In all seriousness, if you follow her on Twitter (@jaymelee1), you may have noticed Jayme's had about 5 million blood draws recently. While probably not that painful in itself, I got the impression she was getting drained (no pun intended) and frustrated. Since she’s such a nice lady and friendly neighbor of ours, I was hoping this picture might cheer her up. As I told her, I made it for one simple reason: to give her a LOL. While I failed to complete this goal, I am happy to say she gave it a “HA HA HA HA HA HA” instead. Cheers, Jayme.


  1. The thrift stores by me arent nearly this awesome

  2. Thanks for including a "Don't Stop Believin'" drum vid. I can also tell you that life gets 10% more awesome after you've covered "Who's Cryin' Now", and "Open Arms" on your electronic skins.

    Side note: why does the radio promise rockin' Journey only to consistently follow through with "After the Fall"? Does God still hate me for lying to Grandma that it wasn't me who did that to that raccoon?
    Eh, probably.


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